

一 个人简介

彭珊,女,1989年生,中共党员,博士,澳门十大正规网站排行榜入口校聘副教授,硕士生导师。2010年至2015年硕博毕业于华南理工大学,2014年至2015年于美国俄亥俄州立大学联合培养,2016年至2018年在中科院理化技术研究所江雷院士团队从事博士后工作,2018年入职澳门十大正规网站排行榜入口。目前以第一作者和通讯作者的身份在PNAS, Water Research, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Journal of Cleaner Production, Chemosphere, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Separation and Purification Technology, Composite Part B, Journal of Colloid and Interfaces, Langmuir等期刊发表文章30余篇,作为主要参与人参与多个国家自然科学基金项目,同时主持2项河北省自然科学基金和多个企业合作课题,致力于材料、化学、生物及环境多学科交叉的澳门十大电子游戏入口网站。中国化学会会员,担任Journal of Hazardous MaterialsACS Applied Materials and InterfacesChemical Engineering Journal, Langmuir等期刊的审稿人。

联系方式:E-mail: pengshan5213@163.com; Tel: 15013038214(微信同号)











(1)Shan Peng#, Binglin Xie#, Yanlei Wang#, Mi Wang, Xiaoxin Chen, Xiaoyu Ji, Chenyang Zhao, Gang Lu, Dianyu Wang, Ruiran Hao, Mingzhan Wang, Nan Hu*, Hongyan He*, Yulong Ding, Shuang Zheng*, Low-grade wind-driven directional flow in anchored droplets. PNAS, 2023, 120, 38. 影响因子 11.2 分区:1区。

(2) Xiaoxin Chen*, Haobo Ma, Xiaoyu Ji, Ruimeng Han, Kyongjin Pang, Zemin Yang, Zhimin Liu, Shan Peng*, Engineering green MOF-based superhydrophobic sponge for efficiently synchronous removal of microplastics and pesticides from high-salinity water, Water Research, 2023, 243, 120314. 影响因子:13.4,分区:1区。

(3)Shan Peng*, Xiaoxin Chen*, Xin Rong, Haobo Ma, Chenyang Zhao, Kyongjin Pang*. Fbarication of eco-friendly Cu/Co-LDHs-based superhydrophobic sponge and efficiently synchronous removal of microplastic, dyestuff, and oil. Journal of Cleaner Production. 400 (2023) 136708. 影响因子:11.1,分区:1

(4)Xin Rong, Xiaoxin Chen*, Pan Li, Chenyang Zhao, Shan Peng*, Haiyun Ma, Hongqiang Qu. Mechanically durable anti-bacteria non-fluorinated superhydrophobic sponge for highly efficient and fast microplastic and oil removal, Chemosphere, 299 (2022) 134493.

(5)Yingchun Wang, Shan Peng *, Xiaomeng Shi, Yanrong Lan, Guangting Zeng, Kunmeng Zhang, Xinxin Li. A fluorine-free method for fabricating multifunctional durable superhydrophobic fabrics, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 505, 144621. 

(6)Weihua Meng, Pan Li, Yanrong Lan, Xiaomeng Shi, Shan Peng*, Hongqiang Qu*, Jianzhong Xu. Green fabrication of superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic coatings with applications in oil-water separation, photocatalysis and fire-retardance. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 233, 115988.

(7)Shan Peng*, Yingchun Wang, Yanrong Lan, Xiaomeng Shi, Han Zhang, Hongqiang Qu*, Jianzhong Xu*. Rational design of multifunctional superoleophobic/superhydrophilic, photocatalytic, and fire-retardant polyethylene terephthalate fabrics through layer-by-layer technique, Composite Part B-Engineering, 2020, 200, 108264.

(8)Shan Peng*, Weihua Meng, Bo Wang, Jianzhong Xu*. Photocatalytically stable superhydrophobic translucent coatings generated from PDMS-grafted-SiO2/TiO2@PDMS with multiple applications, Langmuir, 2019, 35(7), 2760-2771.

(9)Mengying Long, Shan Peng*, Xiaojun Yang, Wanshun Deng, Ni Wen, Kai Miao, Gongyun Chen, Xinrui Miao, Wenli Deng*. One-step fabrication of non-fluorinated transparent super-repellent    surfaces with tunable wettability functioning in both air and oil, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 15857-151867.

(10)Mengying Long, Shan Peng*, Wanshun Deng, Xinrui Miao, Ni Wen, Qiannan Zhou, Xiaojun Yang, Wenli Deng*. A robust superhydrophobic PDMS@ZnSn(OH)6 coating with under-oil self-cleaning and flame retardancy, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 22761.



(1)  河北省自然科学基金面上 2023-2025主持

(2)  河北省自然科学基金青年 2020-2023已结题 主持

(3)  安徽工业大学开放基金 2023-2024 主持

(4)  安徽工业大学项目合作  2023-2024主持

(5)  中国北方稀土(集团)高科技股份有限公司 项目合作 2023-2025主持

(6)  常熟喷嘴厂有限公司 项目合作 2019-2021已结题 主持

(7)  澳门十大正规网站排行榜入口高层次人才启动经费 2018-2021已结题 主持
